Ways To Save On Household Energy Costs This Winter

Category Advice

1.  Never leave lights on in unoccupied rooms.

2. Consume hot drinks and dress for the weather. An extra layer of clothing and a cosy blanket over your knees will help keep you warm and postpone having to switch on a space heater.

3. When you do switch on your heater, heat only the room you are in. Remember to close all the doors and windows while the electric heater is on.  

Also, remember to seal gaps around windows and draught-proof wall cavities throughout your home in preparation for winter.

4. Warm your bed with an electric blanket. Switch it on an hour before bed time and switch it off when you get into bed.

Alternatively, you can use a hot water bottle to keep your feet happy. You can also use a hot water bottle in front of the television.

5. Don’t use underfloor heating. Hot air rises and dissipates quickly when doors and windows are open, and it’s a waste of energy leaving underfloor heating on when you’re in bed.

6. Switch off appliances at the power point when you are not using them. While in standby mode, appliances can use up to 50% of the electricity they use when operating.

7. Use energy-efficient appliances for cooking. Slow cookers are best for preparing winter warming meals such as stews and oxtail, while microwaves are best for preparing your favourite small-volume winter meals.

8. Boil only enough water in the kettle for the number of cups of hot drinks you are preparing.

9. Don’t use hot water for tasks you can accomplish with cold water such as rinsing dishes and vegetables.

10. Swap your bath for a shower, and keep it hot and short. Showers use less electricity and water.

11. Make regular pool maintenance a priority. By limiting filtering to once every 24 hours during winter you could contribute to notable savings on the energy required to run your pool pump.

12. Install ceiling insulation. This will improve the energy efficiency in your home and make it up to 5% warmer in winter. Did you know that approximately 40% of heat is lost through the roof if your home is not insulated?

13. Install window blinds or hang curtains to improve thermal insulation. This will prevent heat loss.

14. Install energy and water saving shower heads. This reduces the amount of hot water and electricity used to shower.

15. Install water flow restrictors on your taps. This reduces the amount of water your geyser needs to reheat and, therefore, lowers your geyser’s energy consumption.

16. Replace all your old incandescent lights with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light emitting diodes (LEDs).

CFLs use up to 80% less electricity than incandescent lightbulbs, and LEDs are even more energy-efficient.

17. Install a geyser blanket and pipe insulation on the first 1.5 metres of pipes to reduce heat loss

18. Invest in a fan heater controlled via a thermostat. This is the most energy-efficient space heating option if you need quick heat for just one hour. It spreads heat quickly and evenly, and the thermostat switches it off when the room temperature reaches the desired level.

In addition to the above option, invest in an oil heater with a thermostat and an output no bigger than 2 000W if you need heat for up to three hours in the same room. Oil heaters heat the room slowly and steadily over the three-hour period and do not cause a spike in your electricity bill.

19. If you require heat for eight hours or longer in the same room, a heater with a thermostat and an output no bigger than 1 000W (lowest setting) will do the energy efficiency trick.

It gradually raises the temperature and reaches the optimal level of thermal comfort over time without burning a hole in your pocket.

20. Replace your conventional oven with an energy-efficient convection oven. Alternatively, you can install an induction stove which is compatible with stainless steel, cast iron and enamel cookware.

Approximately 90% of energy generated is used for cooking on an induction stove, making it 25% more energy-efficient than conventional stovetops.

21. Replace your electrical element geyser with a solar water heating system or heat pump.

Water heating can account for up to 50% of your monthly energy costs. Solar energy can assist you to reduce your energy costs by up to 24% while heat pumps are three times more energy-efficient than conventional geysers.

22. Buy a pool cover and use it during winter and periods when your pool is not used frequently. This will limit water loss and reduce the amount of time your pool pump needs to run to keep the water clean.

23. Install motion sensors on outside lights.

Switch and save this winter. Power your world by being electricity smart and financially savvy.

Author: Independent

Submitted 17 May 18 / Views 1496