Are show houses still an effective selling tool?

Category Advice

Are show houses still an effective selling tool?

Extract from Property 24

The widespread belief that winter is not a good time to sell a home is very far from being true.

Why sell in winter?

There are many compelling reasons for putting your house on the market over winter and just as many reasons why buyers and tenants will be looking over this time.

He says one advantage might be that there are fewer listings to compete with which makes it easier for buyers and tenants.

House-hunting in winter is more likely to attract serious buyers who aren't just browsing but are looking with a purpose. There is also no evidence that you will have to accept a lower price in winter because the price is not determined by the weather, but by market factors.

Not too long ago, there were only two ways in which an agent could market a property: by advertising in the local newspaper and hosting show houses on Sunday afternoons.

However, since the advent of the digital age, property professionals have had several additional marketing tools at their disposal and, without these, the industry would have ground to a halt when the pandemic recently disrupted the industry and agents were forced to abandon personal viewings altogether.

By necessity, virtual tours were honed during lockdown to enable us to keep servicing our clients and they were well-received well by the public as an alternative for viewing properties during the lockdown period.

And they will continue to be useful in the marketing of property, but just as an add-on to existing protocol because the fact remains that the majority of home buyers - by some margin - still rely on the opportunity to physically visit a house to get a 'feel' of the home before they commit to buying. 

Show houses are also the best way to limit the inconvenience for sellers as it can be stressful and challenging to juggle work and family with having to keep the house pristine and have people traipsing through the house at dinner time.

As with everything else coming out of lockdown, the return to show house viewing was slow as everyone was cautious and did not want to unnecessarily expose themselves to potentially contracting COVID.

However, as people got used to living more normally again, so more and more began to attend show houses again and, with fewer of being held each Sunday, the attendance figures are very good as potential buyers have less choice on a Sunday and are able to visit more show houses.

Although the arranging, managing and hosting of showhouses is the agent's responsibility, sellers also play an important role in ensuring the show day's success.

Tidy thoroughly and declutter countertops and other surface areas and a vase of fresh flowers in the entrance way is always a welcoming touch.

De-personalise your home, this is very important because the more personal items in your house, the less potential buyers can imagine themselves living there. Pack away photographs and personal clutter, and keep the fridge clear of kid's drawings.

Storage space is a priority for most buyers and over-stuffed cupboards will give the impression that there is insufficient storage in your home. If possible, remove half the stuff in your closets then neatly organise what's left.

Buyers will inevitably check things like cupboard door hinges and will want to ascertain how much storage space there is, so make sure all your wardrobes and cabinets are clean and tidy.

Clear the garage, It may be the perfect place to hide the clutter from the house but buyers will want to view this space so rather take the opportunity to clear it now to make a better impression and save yourself the hassle when you move.

It may be true that no one knows your house better than you, but viewing properties when the owner is around can make buyers feel very uncomfortable. They are also less likely to ask questions or voice opinions for fear of offending.

Not everyone is a dog- or cat-lover and being welcomed by wet licks or stumbling over a smelly litter box could put off a keen buyer. If possible, take the mutts with you when people are viewing - or spoil them and take them for a walk.

The same reasons that used to drive good attendance to show houses prior to the pandemic still apply - great presentation, realistic pricing and good position and these, along with our extensive database, result in between 55% and 65% of our sales being as a direct result of a well-conducted show house.



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Submitted 09 Jul 22 / Views 628